Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Who is your accountabilibuddy?

A great coach is a very important part of keeping someone motivated to get to the gym and train. However, sometimes getting that motivation is difficult, especially after a long day at work.

I'm lucky that I train at a gym with great coaches and an amazing group of people who constantly motivate and support each other.  Within that group, I have a smaller group of friends that keep me laughing and having fun throughout the day and especially while I'm training.  These are my ACCOUNTABILIBUDDYs.  We keep track of who is training when, and try to train at the same time.  Training together is FUN, and keeps me going even when I'm exhausted.

Lately, I've let the fun slip away but I was reminded by my coach not to forget to have fun.  Training with my buddies isn't always possible as we are all working moms with many responsibilities. In the last few weeks, I have been able to train with them again and I have been reminded about how fun it is.

If you are struggling to find the motivation to train, get a friend to train with you. Hold each other accountable.  But most of all, have fun.  It makes it so much easier.